A Journey of Resilience: Ashley Cochrane Olson’s Story

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 From Alabama to the Emerald Coast

Ashley grew up in Alabama and met her husband, Chris, after moving to Texas post-graduation. Their paths crossed while Chris was in pilot training for the Air Force at Laughlin Air Force Base and they quickly bonded over shared experience as Auburn graduates. In 2010, Chris was stationed at Hurlburt Field in Florida, and shortly after, he and Ashley got married, beginning life together on the beautiful Emerald Coast.

In 2013, during a deployment, Chris’s life took a dramatic turn. He developed a heart valve infection that later led to two strokes. The severity of his condition required him to be life-flighted, and within a span of just six days, he underwent both heart and brain surgery. The prognosis was grim; he wasn’t expected to survive. But against all odds, Chris pulled through. However, the aftermath left him completely paralyzed on the right side of his body and unable to speak.

The Birth of a New Purpose

As Chris began the long journey of rehabilitation, Ashley took on the role of his full-time caregiver. Our lives had changed drastically, but Chris’s spirit remained unbroken. He became involved in adaptive sports, which introduced them to other couples facing similar struggles. This community became a source of strength and motivation for the two. Chris found a new purpose, finding the motivation to speak, and he began encouraging others to keep fighting for a life they loved, despite the losses they had endured.

It was during this time that the idea to start a non-profit organization began to take shape. We envisioned a place where couples like us could find respite from the stressors of their newly adapted lives, surrounded by the beauty of the Emerald Coast. Chris and Ashley wanted to introduce adaptive sports in a safe environment that also encouraged them to focus on their marriages. The community that had supported them became the model for what they hoped to create for others.

In 2017, the couple took a significant step towards their dream by purchasing land to build a retreat house. But before their plans could come to fruition, Chris unexpectedly passed away in 2018 due to complications from his previous injuries. His death left me feeling lost and alone. However, a meeting with a fellow young widow just six months ahead of me on this journey reminded me of the power of shared experience. This encounter rekindled the vision Chris had for the non-profit, and Ashley felt the Lord calling her to bring that vision to life.

In 2019, Ashley founded Crowned for Ashes with the mission of creating opportunities for lasting connection for wounded warrior couples and young widows who are navigating a new life adapted by loss. Since then, Crowned for Ashes has hosted more than 16 retreats, bringing together individuals on Florida’s beautiful Emerald Coast.

The goal is for each of the individuals we serve to create opportunities for lasting connection and to encourage our core value of multiplying what they receive here to go out into the world and give back. The organization saw this in action this past spring as two of their Songs in the Night Long-term Discipleship groups—led by past attendees of their retreats—organized their own retreats. Their relationships have continued to grow and flourish since coming together here.

Witnessing the Ripple Effect

One of the group’s key leaders, Kelsey, shared a powerful testimony about her group’s experience:

“Gosh, God is good! He goes before us and makes a way. He did that for me by bringing me into an amazing ministry and entrusting me to lead a group of widows of all different ages and life stages. It all started over Zoom, and then we got to go on two amazing retreats put on by that ministry—Crowned for Ashes.

Our friendships flourished, and it has been so beautiful to watch grief and healing within each of us, to experience joy and sorrow together, to hold and carry each other’s burdens, and to be fully known by one another in ways no one else can.

This past April, we planned our own retreat so we could bring our kids along and have them meet one another. This time was like nothing else. Seeing all of our kids together was so surreal and impactful! We got to witness them experience what we as a group of widows have been experiencing for the last few years. A deep understanding and acceptance of one another because of the tragic similarity of losing their Dad.

I believe it brought healing in each of the 7 adults and 13 kids cozied up in a cabin in the woods together! God is for us and for our children. He is using our brokenness for His good and glory. I am so thankful we are not alone, and we have such good promises from God to cling to!”

Building a Future of Support

Crowned For Ashes is currently raising funds to build a fully accessible, ADA-friendly retreat house designed to support our mission. You can learn more about our plans and follow our progress on our website, www.retreathouse.crownedforashes.org. Thanks to the generous donations of our supporters, we can offer our retreats, including travel, at no cost to our attendees. To learn more or contribute to our mission, visit our main website here:

Here is Ashley’s final testament on maintaining unwavering resilience:

Jesus! When you hit rock bottom, you realize that Jesus IS the rock at the bottom.

In my own life, I have witnessed the Lord’s hand move in ways that have shown me exceedingly, abundantly more than I could have imagined, not just during Chris’s time of healing on earth, but through the ripple effects of his life’s impact even in death. This isn’t what I wanted the story to look like, but His plans are always for good, and it is a gift to walk alongside others in this life because of what the Lord has allowed me to endure.

For more information on how you can support Crowned for Ashes and help create opportunities for lasting connections, visit them below:

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